The midwifery model of care is centered around the belief that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes that occur without need for intervention. Midwives believe that pregnancy and birth are sacred, not a medical experience. The job of a midwife is to stand with families throughout this transformative process. 

We believe that prenatal care is a way of celebrating the joy of pregnancy and unburdening the things that are challenging. Likewise, postpartum care is a way to honor both the strength and vulnerability of a new family. Our goal is for families to leave their birth and postpartum experiences feeling physically cared for and emotionally held.

We take on a very limited number of clients each month offering naturopathic midwifery care including prenatal care, homebirth, and comprehensive postpartum care. Our clients are primarily people who wish to birth naturally in the home setting. We take on limited doula montrice clients (people wishing to labor at home with a midwife before birthing in the hospital setting with a midwife acting as a doula).

Our practice style encompasses: 

  • Optimizing health and minimizing risks for moms and babies

  • Individualized and continuous care throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum

  • Supporting families both physically and emotionally through their pregnancies, labors and postpartum

  • Client education and mutual decision making versus "requiring" specific procedures or tests. Because all pregnancies are different and all pregnant people are different, what is appropriate for one person may not be appropriate for another

  • Minimal and appropriate use of interventions based on available evidence and mutual consent 

  • Appropriate and timely referrals to hospital-based care (when needed)

Our care includes: 

  • Prenatal visits: 1 every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks between 28 and 36 weeks, weekly thereafter

  • An on-call midwife available 24/7 from the time you come into care

  • An on-call midwife available for your birth from 37 weeks onward

  • Two licensed providers present at your birth

  • In-home postpartum visits on day 1, 3 and 7 and in-office visits at 3, 5 and 7 weeks

For more information on midwifery care, home birth or our practice, schedule a complimentary meet and greet.